School districts are the most
School districts are the most common beneficiaries of Mello Roos monies. Unfortunately, not every community in California receives equal state funding for the construction or maintenance of school facilities. Thanks to Mello Roos, available and timely financing becomes a reality for school districts that are at risk and in need of financial intervention. Now, of course, no other team has ever won three consecutive national championships. We won seven. I honestly think that had he been eligible as a freshman, we'd have won one more (which would have made it a mind boggling 10 NCAA titles in a row).. When it comes to traits, it's important to choose options that describe the character's history, and which you'll use fairly often. Reactionary (+2 trait bonus on Initiative checks) is particularly useful for a gun hand who's going to be getting involved in the occasional duel. Chip on The Shoulder (whenever a creature fails an Intimidate check against you, you gain a +2 ...